
Current Production Lead Time

America's Best Made Hidden Doors are handmade from Real Wood - Zero Warranty issues in 8 years of business!

We want everyone's buying experience with us to be a positive one, managing lead time expectations is a huge part of the experience. Due to large order volumes, lead times fluctuate and can be unpredictable at times, therefore they cannot be guaranteed. Please allow extra time to accommodate when ordering.

~Lead Times are estimated and not guaranteed~

  • Non-finished Approx. 8 to 10 weeks. Finished +2-3 weeks
  • Alpha Mirror Door NF 2-3 weeks. Finished +2-3 weeks
  • Cannot guarantee production schedule will match installers
  • Please do not schedule installation until after receiving your order
  • Because of large order volumes we do not have the ability to perform unrequested updates
  • Production lead times fluctuate and can change without notice
  • Rush options available at checkout and are guaranteed minus weekends & holidays
  • Customizations (one way mirror, cabinet door glass) add 7-10 days


Shipping cover for hidden doors

Order Status Request

Dear Valued Customer,

We are experiencing longer than expected lead times due to higher than normal holiday order volumes. If your timeline has advanced, we are now offering an option to place a post order rush
which expedites your order and is guaranteed within the purchased timeframe.

In the meantime, we respectfully request that all orders that are within the current lead times to please be patient, we are doing all that we can to catch back up.

Due to the number of recent requests, Please only submit a status update request if your order is nearing the end of the estimated production timeline posted above; anticipating a completion date for any one order during the normal course of production is extremely difficult and typically inaccurate.

Thank you!

-->TIP: Before requesting and update please check current lead times. If your order was placed after the date listed below and was not a rush order, your order is currently in production with a completion date TBD at this time.